Counterpolling: 61% say Poor White People Have More in Common with Poor Black People

The majority of Americans believe that Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream is a great vision for America today. What many fail to remember, is that dream went beyond establishing equality between blacks and white.

Many conservatives love to quote MLK saying we should have a color blind society, but forget that he called for programs to lift everyone out of poverty, both poor blacks and poor whites.

In a recent Napolitan News survey, it is clear voters today embrace King’s view: 61% said that poor white people have more in common with poor black people, than rich white people. That common ground should be a building block for continued racial –and economic– progress.

This Napolitan News Service survey of 1,000 Registered Voters was conducted online by Scott Rasmussen on September 18-19, 2024. Field work for the survey was conducted by RMG Research, Inc. and has a margin of error of +/1 3.1.

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